It’s that time of year again! We are busy planning the Christmas celebrations and are pleased to say that two of our local primary schools will be coming in to visit in the lead up to Christmas after the unavoidable two-year break. We have also planned our unit Christmas Parties and as always family and friends are welcome to come and join the celebrations.
Platinum Jubilee Weekend
It is wonderful for us to be able to freely welcome visitors into the home for the first Bank Holiday after the lifting of Covid Restrictions. Hopefully, we will be able to use our new Garden furniture over the weekend.
The home is decorated, the kitchen has been working extremely hard to recreate menus from the 1950’s to bring back memories and to educate the youngsters on times gone by. Our chefs have also created the winning ‘Platinum Pudding ‘Lemon Swiss roll and amaretti trifle to try on Saturday after the Barbecue.
On Thursday one of our longest residing gentlemen will help us reveal the plaque for our tree planted to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. In line with the Queen’s Green Canopy, we have planted a tree in our main garden. The tree is a King Crimson Maple tree, and the plaque has been produced by the Royal British Legion. The tree joins the Apple tree we planted ten years ago for the Diamond Jubilee which flowers and provides us with apples each year.
Some activities have been arranged and our aim is to go with the flow to enable you as families to connect as you wish to do so. We are ensuring that those who wish can watch the extensive coverage on the television while those who want a quieter time do not miss out.
On Sunday, our residents will be partaking of Afternoon Tea (with a twist at lunchtime) and some small snacks will be available for those who visit on Sunday afternoon.
Each unit will be doing something a little different, with the likes and preferences of the residents.
Platinum Jubilee Weekend Activities.
Thursday 2nd June 22.
Royal Themed Games.
Watch Trouping the Colour. (10am)
Revealing the Tree Plaque in the Garden.
Watch the Lighting of the Beacons. (8pm)
Friday 3rd June 2022.
Watch Thanksgiving Service. (9.15am)
D’Fine. – Dance troupe in Lakeland lounge. 11am.
Bingo. (2pm) in YDU lounge.
Watch The Crown Jewels. 7.30pm.
Saturday 4th June 2022.
Lunchtime barbecue indoors.
Watch Platinum Party at the Palace. (7.30pm)
Sunday 5th June 2022.
Afternoon Tea Party (lunchtime onwards.)
Watching the Platinum Pageant (1pm.)
Updated Visitors Policy. 4/05/2022.
Chadderton Total-Care has always promoted an open visiting policy and visitors have always
been welcome at any time in the home with resident’s consent following the
lifting of restrictions we would just like to clarify our visiting policy going
We have made a decision that all inside visiting will for the foreseeable future
be confined to resident’s room. Our reasons being to attempt to deter the
spread of any airborne virus whilst the threat of Covid-19 remains and also to
maintain the privacy and dignity of our residents within their own home. If
this causes a problem for you, please let us know and we will try to accommodate
If you let us know you are coming, we will try to assist your relative to their
room prior to your visit or we ask that you alert staff who will bring your
relative to you while you wait in their room. If there are any issues,
please speak to senior staff who will attempt to resolve any problems.
We have also decided to protect our resident’s mealtimes. Through Covid residents
have taken their meals in the dining rooms supported by staff without
interruptions however well meant by visitors and affording them the privacy and
dignity that we would expect in our own homes. We will now ask that visitors
refrain from visiting before 10am in the morning, between 12.00 and 13.15 and
between 17.00 and 18.15. We accept that this may be difficult for some family members,
and we ask that they speak to unit staff who will try to accommodate this and
also the family members who assist their loved one with meals will be able to
continue to do so in their own rooms, again please speak to unit staff.
Due to the importance of residents seeing and interacting with their relatives’
various methods of communication will continue to be used if you are unable to
visit. Residents’ families can be called via face time, zoom calls etc to allow
them to speak to each other.
Since the start of the pandemic, we have had many variations of visiting and this
policy sets out what is current at present. We do have to stress however that
this could change at any time with very little notice due to Covid
circumstances and while we will endeavour to notify everyone as soon as we can
it may not always be possible.
Essential Care Givers.
A resident if able can if they choose, nominate 1 person to visit them in their
room each day, if they do not wish to nominate someone all other visits remain
an option for family and friends. If the resident does not have capacity to
nominate an essential care giver, then the unit will discuss with the next of
kin or advocate as to the benefit to the resident and who would be the most
appropriate person to provide this care. The essential care giver can visit at
any time even during an Outbreak where the home may have had to suspend visiting.
All visitors no longer need to wear full PPE; however, you are strongly
encouraged to wear a mask and to keep this in place throughout the visit in the
resident’ s room and we will ask the visitor to remain in the room with the
resident throughout the visit using the nurse call bell if the resident
requires assistance.
While we will do all we can to avoid disturbance of the visit there may be times when
we do need to interrupt
Visits in Exceptional Circumstances.
This is mainly but not exclusively as a resident is reaching the final stage of life
and should be discussed with unit staff and again these visits may take place
at any time.
It is important to ensure family members and close friends can meet and say their
goodbyes, if necessary, but a sensible number must be agreed for the comfort of
the resident.
Any relatives who will not cooperate with the guidelines will be asked to leave.
Visits for special occasions.
All residents and families have special occasions, and we can now hopefully try to
increase visits for these occasions. Resident’s families to be encouraged to
let us know of the special events and discussions to take place on the unit to
facilitate this whilst maintaining the safety of residents and staff.
Visits outside the care home.
Any resident who has spent a night in hospital following an emergency admission
will no longer have to isolate when they return to the home unless they are known
to have been in contact with a positive case and they will be allowed to mingle
once a negative test has been completed.
A resident who has stayed in hospital following a planned admission and who is
negative on discharge does not need to isolate on their return.
While we all want our residents to enjoy visits both within and outside the home, we
need to ensure we take as many precautions as possible to keep all residents,
staff, and visitors safe.
Any of the above may be changed at very short notice if the home suffers an
outbreak. An outbreak consists of 2 people or more, staff or resident testing positive
on the same unit, this will almost always mean the unit / home closing for a
period of time which is why we must all play our part in following the guidance
to protect our residents. We will always follow the instructions of Public
Health in closing areas of the home however on some occasions some areas of the
home may be able to stay open or facilitate different visiting arrangements at
different times but if you have any concerns, please ask the nurse in charge.
Please be guided by nursing staff if your relative/friend is unwell as to appropriate
timings of visits.
It may be necessary to interrupt, for a short time, a visit to deliver essential
nursing care or for visits by other health care professionals e.g., Doctors.
Your relative will of course be consulted about this.
The need for privacy is respected when you visit, and staff will always knock
before entering a room. The exception to this would be if the fire alarms were
to sound during a visit.
If you have any queries regarding visiting, please see the nurse in charge of your
relative’s nursing unit, or the nurse in charge of the home.
In line with government legislation visitors will not be permitted to smoke in the
building following the 1st of July 2007.
Any visitor appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances
will be asked to leave the home if they are likely to cause harm or a
disturbance to residents or staff.
Can we remind all visitors, this is not just your relatives home and we ask that
you respect other residents, families and staff and you remember that our
resident’s health is the primary reason for them being within the home and we
ask that you leave at a reasonable time to allow them to get their rest and for
care to be provided.
Reviewed 20/9/21
To be reviewed 31/10/21.
Reviewed 1/11/21
Reviewed 1/12/21
Reviewed 1/01/22
Reviewed 2/02/2022.
Reviewed 10/02/2022
Reviewed 4/03/22
Reviewed 5/4/22.
Reviewed 25/4/22
Reviewed 4/5/22
Total Care Quarterly Newsletter Nov Dec 2017